Get more than 90 free, online STEM and health science modules that have been vetted by university experts.
Educators are continually challenged to keep students engaged beyond the typical classroom experience. However, finding quality, supplemental resources that do so can be time consuming for already busy teachers.
uBEATS offers high-quality, interactive online modules
UNO & UNMC Building Excellence in Academics Through STEM is series of cancer, genetics, microbiology and pathology, pharmacology, public health, behavioral health, medical terminology, academic success and health care career modules. uBEATS is designed for grades 6 – 12 as a companion resource to your core curriculum, providing information on top of what students learn in class.
This e-learning resource was created by education and STEM experts at the University of Nebraska Omaha and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Download the uBEATS brochure.
Students receive advanced learning — and so much more!
- The program ignites their confidence to pursue higher education and careers in these fields.
- Students set themselves apart on college applications.
- Students who complete certain modules earn a digital badge.

Digital badges now available
Students who complete certain modules earn a digital badge — ensuring students distinguish themselves from their peers on applications for college or STEM enrichment programs.
“Our students enjoyed the uBEATS courses. The modules have been a huge asset to our program, especially given the ability to extend our reach to many urban and rural Native American communities.”

Elizabeth Lambert
Instructional Coach, Bellevue Public Schools, Nebraska

Sign up for uBEATS
uBEATS is a fast, easy way to enhance your course content and keep kids engaged. Simply fill out the registration form to begin using uBEATS in your class.
Endorsed by and member of:
Approved resource of:
Verified by:
- University of Nebraska Omaha STEM faculty
- University of Nebraska Medical Center health sciences faculty
- Nebraska Department of Education